But satay’s not the only thing Qistina and team are playing with; they’re dabbling with a rather novel concept for the bar. The whole idea behind the bar is to offer satay on the go. Gone are the typical notions of only having satay at a roadside stall or in a family restaurant—Serai Satay Bar has invested time and effort in designing packaging that will allow you to have your satay while trawling through the malls, watching a movie or window-shopping.

The menu also carries more Malay snacks like cucur udang, keropok lekor and keropok ikan—all of which are pretty mobile too, fitting in great with their concept. But even other items like soto ayam and pisang goreng (with vanilla dip or the Johorean way with sambal kicap) all have specially designed packaging to ensure convenience. Serai (AKA lemongrass) is obviously an important element in the satay bar’s being—it’s in their name, in their history and it’s also an important ingredient in the satay marinade. Taking it one step further is their drink, the Serai Blended which is highly recommended to go with your satay thanks to its icy, refreshing properties.

Lot P1.08.00,
Level 1, Pavilion KL,
168 Jalan Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2143 7070
Operating Hours:
Opening Hours: 10am - 10pm
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